100 Posts in 100 Days (1-14)
Here are links to the first two weeks of writing
Well, two weeks into this project and I understand why author Paul Begadon called me an “absolute mad man.”
I can maintain momentum for writing every single day, but it’s hard to have something ready for publishing. Every. Single. Day.
Many ideas need slept on, incubated for a while, everything has its own gestation period. A few essays I’ve been “writing in my head” grew arms and legs all over the place when written down. They might even be Siamese twins I need to separate at birth.
But I’m doing this to get over my delays, perfectionism and finish-this-later-ism. It’s now much easier to click publish physically — less dithering and double checking etc – which means more mistakes no doubt but publishing nothing is also a mistake.
Cheers, Kevin