This is 48/100 of the daily substack posts – and I’m done with this experiment!
I'm publishing more, yes – but the daily constraint is ruining my thinking and writing. I had 3 main themes I wanted to write about and haven't got to publishing ANY of those yet – need more time to distill.
So switching this to weekly posts.
This means many will be longer but not necessarily – just more in depth and practically useful in a way that can’t be done in a day (or at least I can’t do in a day!)
Everything has its own gestation period, including ideas. There is doing the practices, experimenting with techniques, generating new insights, then articulating those insights, as well as making it all practically useful to others. Looks like I am condemned to be a slow reader, writer and thinker.
But on the other hand my problem before was never publishing at all – which was the whole point of doing the 100 posts in 100 days experiment. And it did work for this which is great – I don’t care at all now about clicking send to everyone. Plus a few interesting readers have been in touch to share ideas which is nice, but I’d rather have something better to share with you all!
So I’m not going to tread water with this for another 52 days just so I can say i managed to do 100 days in a row, aren’t I cool. I am glad I demolished the fear of publishing but I’m not happy with the low quality and let’s be realistic, only a few of these posts are “keepers” anyway.
So from now on, just one post per week, but better quality and something people might still want to read in 20 years.
And for anyone interested in such things… I don’t think I increased subscribers during this experiment. A few people unsubscribed because of the volume, which I expected, while a few new people joined – so it stayed about the same.
But might also be my lack of twitter promotion and refusing to join the thread bois.
Cheers for reading, new post out next week..
Ah Kevin, I for one am pleased you are done with this 100 days thing. For an old fella like me it was just too much to take in along with all the other things I have to do each day, however you acheived what you set out to do and I congratulate you on that. In all honesty your old postings.."Let's Get Psychophysical" weekly newsletters are terrific, with so much in there to not just consume, but to actually think about. Great stuff. 👍