Hello, it’s Kevin.
Here is your weekly list of 5 things I’ve found that promote wholeness, integration and “waking up” – rather than fragmentation, dis-integration and falling asleep.
You can wake up your mind by moving your body…
You can wake up your body by moving your mind…
The task? An awakened mind in an awakened body.
Fragment (1)
“They are oblivious of what they do awake, just as they let slip away what they do asleep.”
Fragment (2)
“During their lifetimes they see such a
little part of life and then they are off:
short-lived, flying up and away like smoke,
totally persuaded by whatever each of them
happened to bump into while being driven
one way, another way, all over the place. And they
claim in vain that they have found the whole.
Like this, there is no way that people can see or
hear or consciously grasp the things I have to teach.”Empedocles
Fragment (3)
“For helplessness in their chests is what steers their wandering minds as they are carried along in a daze, deaf and blind at the same time."
Fragment (4)
"For as each man has a union of the much-wandering limbs,
So is mind present to men; for it is the same thing
Which the constitution of the limbs thinks,
Both in each and every man; for the full is thought."Parmenides
Fragment (5)
“Erect, he stays awake when others sleep,
He never falls down prone:
That he should sleep while others sleep,
None has ever heard.”The Atharva-Veda
Thanks for reading,
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